Tuesday, July 26, 2011


On a recent shopping excursion to Sprouts I watched a young hipster couple meander through the aisles. Tiny shorts and tank top, handlebar mustache, snazzy hat, and the girl wearing a beautiful flowing dress, they had put thought and effort into their date to pick out their dinner. They lovingly fondled the vegetables, discussing what they would make, hugging each other after each decision. As older men bashed their carts into mine, moms yelled at their kids, and I tried to keep stay on task knowing any moment Autumn would text saying I need to pick her up immediately. When did our lives change so drastically? Mike and I used to spend our time working, sleeping, thrift store shopping and going to concerts. Even with a baby. It was so fun and freeing to live life the way we always dreamed it could be. But our lives are so cluttered now. There is less time, more demands. Less money, more expenses. And a different kind of freedom. I see it as a freedom to go back to the uncomplicated life. To not feel so trapped by what we have built for ourselves. By erasing some of the clutter, making the decisions to uncomplicate things, relax into the flow of life and then to dress up to go dreaming together.